Lukas Kubina

Lukas Kubina


Lukas Kubina, born in 1982, is an author and cultural impresario. He's is the co-founder of Sorry Press, an independent publishing house for contemporary literature, and editor-in-chief of Lit Cities.


Héctor G. Oesterheld
An invasion is taking place in Buenos Aires. The prophetic graphic novel anticipates the military dictatorship of the 1970s, to which the author and his four daughters fell victim.

The prophetic graphic novel - it anticipates the military dictatorship in Argentina - is also an extraordinary read and a powerful appeal to solidarity in the Covid-19 pandemic. As early as 1957-1959, Eternauta said: "Nadie se salva solo". You get the point. Francisco Solano López's drawings lead you through an apocalyptic Buenos Aires that is also in quarantine in March 2020. For the author Héctor Germán Oesterheld, the collective is the only possible hero! 

Lukas Kubina


Alberto Moravia
Contempt (Il disprezzo) is an existential novel by Alberto Moravia, published in 1954. In 1963 it served as the basis for the film Le Mépris by Jean-Luc Godard. The penniless writer Riccardo would like to make money through work for the film industry in order to fulfill his wife Emilia's wish to own a home. The producer Battista invites the couple to his villa in Capri, where Riccardo is to write a screenplay for the Odyssey with German director Reingold. The relationship between Penelope and Odysseus merges with that between Riccardo and Emilia.

Sure, it's difficult to highlight a book by Alberto Moravia. And then not even locate it in his colosseum Rome seems wrong? Let's start with Jean-Luc Godard's film adaptation. The images of the Villa Malaparte, the crushing gaze of Brigitte Bardot and Fritz Lang flash up as pure gold. Of course, "Contempt" dazzles without this glittering support. In this masterpiece, the seemingly insurmountable contrast between intellectual subtlety and dreadful wealth finds a resolution, which can still be felt today in the crashing Capri sun between boutiques catwalk and the I Fortini walkway, the terrace of the Hotel Quisisana and the old café Kater Hiddigeigei, the paparazzi piazza and the Walter Benjamin board and Lenin statue. Alberto Moravia's books are "of burning topicality", "like sunburn" enthuses the writer Albert Ostermaier. I do know all about sunstroke, after all.

Lukas Kubina

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