Fernando Ocaña

Fernando Ocaña


Through his studies of automobility as a psychological condition, Fernando Ocaña raises an anthropological view on the concept of speed and the relationships it has created amongst time, space and the human understanding of these. By blending artifacts of transport with notions of identity and habitat, his art practice analyses the subconscious rhythms involved in the act of motion and the possible meanings of humanity’s seemingly perpetual state of journeying. 

As a car designer, Fernando has collaborated with a variety of stakeholders within the fields of transportation and architecture; from Saab, Opel and McLaren to AMO, the design think tank led by Rem Koolhaas. He is currently working with Mexico City’s Government on the development of an ultra-lightweight electric taxi, to be launched in 2021. 

La Casa de Usted y Otros Viajes

Jorge Ibargüengoitia|Spanish edition
La Casa de Usted y Otros Viajes is a scathing journey through the extravaganzas of Mexico and Mexico City. This collection of articles contains all facets of life in an intelligent, original and fun way.

A city is an ever changing being, a collective force of lifestyles that both inspires and betrays its guests. Ultimately, it is the metropolitan set of rules and conditions that determines the way a citizen will experience his or her life. La Casa de Usted y Otros Viajes by Jorge Ibargüengoitia offers a historic range of micro-scale observations on the textures, joys and frustrations Mexico City imposes on us who live in it. In turn, Alejandro Veneno´s crafty musical selection captures a large-scale, atmospheric feeling that portrays what it means to live and move across the Mexican capital, a worthy example of mankind’s ability to conquer territory and turn it into a home.


Fernando Ocaña

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